with the voice inside your head?
"You're ugly."
"You're stupid."
"No one loves you,"
it said.
Would you be friends
with that voice inside your head?
"You're fat."
"You're gross."
"You haven't any friends,"
it said
Who is this voice
inside of your head?
"It's you.
It's you.
Only you,"
he said.
"You're perfect."
"You're pretty."
"I love you,"
he says.
"He's lying."
"He's cheating."
"Don't believe him,"
it said.
Would you be friends
with that voice in your head?
"You wouldn't."
"Stop listening,"
I said.
"You're beautiful."
"You're talented."
"You're worth it,"
I said.
This voice,
it's a poison.
It's toxic,
my friend.
It's wrong.
It's stupid.
It's ugly,
my friend.
Be bold.
Be beautiful.
Be you,
my friend.
Because you,
only you,
are the voice
in your head.
You can change
what it thinks.
You can change
what it says.
It's you.
It's you.
Only you,
my friend.
My first stab at poetry!